Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Niagara Falls, New York

One of our most rewarding day diversions for the entire trip was trekking across the bridge near Buffalo, New York to Niagara Falls. Having never been before, I was not aware that there are two different sets of falls. The larger “main” Niagara Falls better known as the 'Horseshoe Falls' can best be seen from the Canadian side. These are the falls filmed in Superman II. You know, at the beginning, when Clark Kent and Lois Lane have to travel to Niagara Falls undercover as husband and wife (don't ask why) and while strolling along the guard rail, notice a small child playing on the wrong side of the rail who slips and descends to his watery death only to be rescued by the every watchful Superman? And so Lois finally makes the logical connection that wherever Clark Kent is that Superman also is and that Clark Kent is probably Superman? Anybody?...'Kneel before Zod!'...(crickets chirp)

And I digress from my exceeding nerdiness...anyway, we saw the 'American Falls' which were still incredibly amazing, just not as large as the 'Horseshoe Falls'. So Canada has one thing larger than the United States. We do however have access on the American side to Goat Island, thusly named because of a harsh winter many years ago that killed all of this one guy's livestock, save for one goat. So the goat got the prize. Goat Island and the even tinier island next to it called the Three Sisters Island essentially divide the water between the Horseshoe Falls and the American Falls. Therefore on the other side of Goat Island, one is afforded a better view (though still behind) of the Horseshoe Falls. Only I (from the band) dared to walk around Goat Island to catch this unique view (not really) of Niagara Falls. And now...lots of cool pictures. Enjoy.

Niagara NY, Canada in the background

View of the Bridge, Downriver from Niagara

Bridge on Goat Island

The Falls from Goat Island

Horseshoe Falls from Goat Island